BETON, matrite 3d abs gard, pavele, pavaj, borduri, coame, gard valuri, val
Moment from a book;... A reviewer I need to know what it means poartanta the aerodynamic... 'll Explain, but like the wings of a flying machine, or the rotor blades of a alley they may sustain as a force against the atoms of the air around the plane, that and I have to look for the ideas with the spoon that shows the apparatus for the test at the OFFICE-Rotook over,... For Book site for part III of The 4 Manuals in AeroAviation is
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forcast as a u at the same time, in days, without having to put your life in danger to the pilot or to the people around you. I don't know that the jets "Vsto" (ex. Harri jump jet and the V8 version of the ch with new engines of the 2023 european), which can be ridicangure down from the air, may not carry in your back, for more than a couple of tons, so it's not tens and hundreds of tons, as we can see in the CM. drawing. Say the word rangeCM., it looks, though it is grace , and I don't want to lie to the right of them and to be able to leave the place, no doubt, for the time will come to an examiner's eager to check it out if there really is flying by, so the heavy load, varying in both, in the state of the art. I don't want it to be given by the examiner, who was going to commit a forgery, allegedly in the name of the protection of the national economy, but at the expense of the evolution of mankind... If you figure it out? The majority of people today it is to look at the word accepted or rejected and I don't read all the text on the certificate. That's what he wanted to say, CM. with a variety of the aircraft, I.e., a variant of the bunk. Important thing was that he would be writing something else, either way a story is going to be beautiful, and for the media in the united states, and reliable for the poor people do not to be read than this, technically, I mean, that is a dictatorship in the concentration camps in the communist or dictatorship in the middle East, southeast Asia, until the year 1989. That, and Cook, L. p., has an interest not to try what the claims in the article (not the name of some aircraft that can really "take" hundreds of tons of force, and in a state of the art, it 's just a "variety", the lack of the aircraft). And how he can afford such a statement atehnice, as long as it is by the oridin a secret, apparently printed on a piece of paper, with the double meaning to the general public is Admitted to the patent. It, and the distraction is the order of a secret. We are not the military, not even the courts can't be 100% out of a secret order, in a patent minicinos, which he uses to fly "variety"= not real technical, without naming at least one type or brand of your device for this truck. Name deruntant, something that does not take SO much!!!! Scuzand the word "variety". In reality, there is not a such a device is varied, as can the examiner to consider themselves in a state of the art. The patent-CM describes a method list for the pilots of the future is a show St., for the film, without having to say who it is that way, but it shows up in the film, from the script to the patent CM. as if it was a way out of the shuttle, and he's getting better. A simple word ... metoada give into the false right to discover some semblance of the methods of the transfer of fluid. In addition, he says that he has a bore "there is enough internal shaftster", with a diameter that is not enough, however, the people who may not be readers won't even know they mean diameter, enough to carry it through and liquid, and you need to flesh out the patent in place, "inventatrului" CM. and then it was on , described a game nereala. In reality, I don't know the size, width, and thickness, let's look at a fire hose/pipe, and he says -by. Here is one of the drawings seemed to thin as a rope, and in a section of another drawing, it looks as 10 people are laid, as the pipes of the sewer system of the number of blocks, so unreal plunged into the people of the air, be (in diameter), in a pipe. A length of tens of kilometers involves a pipe, as in the Page | 110 - Bucharest the rest of the hoses, of other patents that have been cited here, it's only a link between an aircraft and a missile in the CM. However, you don't get to see much more of the three hoses to the mobile and flexible among the three planes as I do! CM. it describes A "bomerang" unprecedented even in the stories of the sea, and impossible to be described in the patent, clearly, and not in a state of the art, bomerang, which are linked by a shuttle to the outer of the classic, this time in order to indulce, and to convince even a little bit of an audience, with this rocket ship, out of these days. this is the CM 's new? The only two things that I don't technically fit. Or Marg, I., links for real hose to the three planes of miles in the miles-approximately the same as the distance variation due to the head-can 't fly the planes close to the legal point of view, but the length is not fixed and can vary depending on the condition of the event... Or you patent to Cook, I don't keep in mind the wind and any other patents that are cited in the 'Off'. Edition., THAT OFFICE did not take into account, so that may not be apparent against his. CM. use for dozens of miles, the length of the hose or without, a diameter of the predefined, with which she didn't think that I'll be able to fly to them, pick up from anything. Anyway, he used to write for fun. This is the evidence because he didn't take into account the wind Corriollis , or other types of movement of the particles, which represent the wind, and the movement of the air in the atmosphere (between the ages of the mesosphere, exosfera, the atmosphere, the tropsfera), as the speeds of the winds, which can bring you down planes in the air in the hoses. From the scores of miles he will break all the pipe stiff-and continuous-welded or glued on ("the tube-like", he says he called the barrel of an INCH in revednicara one of his own), even if it is a great choice for a material, experimental, Kevlar, it is clear that the solution to escu with the hose to the short and in multiple planes or balloons that let you take the force of the burst is a good solution to the descendants of the Humanoids for you today. The paten-CM - Cooo by putting it in danger of the pipes sieve guarita (what do you keep around just the front of the horizontal line in the sky and not on the vertical axis - let's fly away), in miles, on which you want to hold it by the handle, -nereala this physically, by the Mesosphere, so it's not at the level of the soil in the solution. But it has nothing to do with Ma that keep you from the atmosphere, the troposphere up to the exosphera, and spread. So,, I., keep hoses out, without breaking, and CM. in the dozens of miles long, he can't keep the barrel up in the air, and it is going to tangled in the length of the kilometrica (of a mile ) long, made out of a single piece, being brittle, failing catastrophically out of the Sky, and the whole thing of "CM - boomerang". In addition, Cook, L. a., don't tell me that he uses the hose to the power supply except for the direction of the aircraft and not to supply another vehicle of the space. Just a small hose connected to a single shuttle, airplane, as for the space, which takes up the condensation water from the barrel of a long (also called a derogatory not in CM. the tube-like), that is on a single plane, in consequence of the appearance of the waiting beasts in the air, in the breaking of sluts, I mean, for a few minutes and as you can stand it , the parachute to the speeds of the wind in the Mezosfere open, and then the entire system of power, a poor recheta half-plane. In the Margu keep the engines of the planes for hours and days, inregi of the operation by the year of replacement. You can just tell the, I., if an aircraft enters into service, the other aircraft in the formation Of a or B, the returns, and replace it with a hose hooked up to the plane, or a ball and chain for the aircraft, freestyle, go on till I shrink with a lot of structure to the vertical axis of the hose tapered. Aircraft MargI'm all tied up on the vertical axis and the horizontal plane, which can vary intoate directions. AND the planes, CookL., I still identified as a marcagura or the structure of the (cross-eyed), at least be called, seem to be related not only to fly off horizontally at the level of the Mezosfer, I mean the top, where there is no lift drag and the temperature is going to know, just for me. A reviewer I need to know what it means poartanta the aerodynamic... 'll Explain, but like the wings of a flying machine, or the rotor blades of a alley they may sustain as a force against the atoms of the air around the plane, that and I have to look for the ideas with the spoon that shows the apparatus for the test at the OFFICE-Rotook over, I hope you, the scientist, the world-renowned Henry Co international airport, which was defined as the Effect of the Business, which can help the examiners and students in the united states Page | 11 - uarest understand how to fly the plane, and the it's not about the main principles of Bernoul - at that time it is not thought of on the wings of the aircraft, but also on the fluid handled. Or It Says Carnot, these two of the authors of the following, are referenced in and out of the phoenicians before. For the helicopter, balloon, drone, aerodina it's a different kettle of fish, and bees, and the various birds that you will not recommend it to you to think of how to fly, physically, because I don't want to have that on your conscience, if you will excite in time to the study of the books were translated poorly to the Com -monwealth... I Mean, are formed in the flight. So, the Co, L. a., she couldn't fly efficiently. In this case think of a catapult could throw the entire system into the Outer Space. With just one use. On the downside the face of the paten, argu Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. CategoriesThis website uses marketing and tracking technologies. Opting out of this will opt you out of all cookies, except for those needed to run the website. Note that some products may not work as well without tracking cookies. Opt Out of CookiesAt CM., the graphic is exaggeratedly small made on a drawing sometimes not even on a quarter of an A4 page whose rotation is not legally recommended (without legal support as in 37CFR 1.173, ... Wipo21/058356 si serial 7/627,652 Multa lume nu vrea si nu poate sa-si imagineze viitorul asa cum trebuie datorita prejudecatilor si a faptului ca lumea nu este inde-ajuns de educata si imbarbatata sa poata sa accepte ca toti copii sa invete in realitate,in adevar, “prematur”, la scoala si facultate ce trebuie. Noi cei multi suntem de vina. Aceasta este materia precara pe care o vrem. <Stati putin ca iar apar probe la sirene pe blocuri si abia au disparut de vreo luna stirile din feed-ul de mobil online , cum ca se faceau teste de sirene de razboi pe zone, pentru o anumita parte a populatie, adaug eu, -daca gandesc ca un jurnalist de investigatii, macar tehnic-, tinand cont de contextul din Estul Europei de acum, de aici...> Iar staff-ul politicienilor accepta in toata lumea astfel de invataturi banale si manual denaturate, aparent pentru a proteja populatia, insa doar “secretele “ economice ale unei natii. Insa nu prea mai exista natii, ci doar poluri economice.Asa se explica ca inca mai credem ca viitorul in mecanica va fi cu “elicii’, ca si cele mentionate cand lumea nu ii credea pe inventatorii romani, ca aceste elicii vor fi inlocuite cu turbine ca si aceea ce a ajutat si la defintivarea in aviatie a “Efectului Coanda” (cu toate ca pe pelicula video marturie de vreo 9 mm, tocmai inventatorul omonim, declara ca, “a avut noroc!” de inventia principiului reactiei de avioane, s.a.). Fara viteza omenirii, oamenii nu incercau sa-si explice de ce aripile de avion supersonice “se resping” de atomii de aer “stabili si mai lenti” fata de aripile avionului cu elicii care zboara mai “lent”, dar care ca si cu un fel de ventuze se “lipeste si sare” peste straturile de atomi, daca putem compara avioanele impreuna cu fenomenele si animalele din natura ca sa va fie mai usor de inteles tipurile de zboruri, astazi. Pana atunci baloanelese spune ca plateau, intr-adevar pe atomii din aer si se respingeau, nu selipeau. Iar Avioanele se “lipeau” cuaripile lor duble comice; sau ca cele de deltaplan care intr-adevar “plateau” peste curentii de aer mai puernici ca din greutatea unui om cu un lanor,deci nu se respingeua si nu se lipeaua de atomii de aer in zbor ca avioanele cu elicii. Deci acceptati sa invatat corect simple fenomene fizice de zbor definite doar aici grupat total si in scris de cineva, si pentru cei din viitor si nu denaturati zborul si istoria si celelalte stiinte si arte dinlume cu astfel de simple si eronate explicatii ca si cei ce nu inteleg zborul din CM. Sau ca si generalii englezi care ar fi facut turbina cu reactie inaintea lui H. Coanda. Ei au perfectionat-o, insa au inteles tarziu de ce fata de romani. Ei nu l-au avut pe Traian Vuia inainte sa se inspire de la el si pe Vlaicu, asa cum chiar Coanda a cam gasit totul pe aici. Plus ca in UK.,si la automobile si la orice in tehnica din lume se fac copii foarte, foarte bune, si singurele pentru conservatoarea piata auto din Statele Unite ale Americii (unde testele de impact sunt mai restrictive si rezervorul este mutat la masini in mijlocul caroserie fata de portbagaj ca la europeni, anti-impact), pentru ca acolo este cea mai mare piata de patente si titluri industriale traditionala din lume, dar nu scriu ei patentele sau inventiile chiar daca par ca venite de peste Marele Canal al Manecii. Ei se pricep foarte bineunde sa investeasca si cu calm. Un calm parca sarit din comun de data aceasta ca a noiiregine, consoarte -ea acum-, a lui King Charles, care la o intalnire cu sotia lui Emannuel Macron ajung amandoua imbracate lafel ca si gemenii, constructii turn din Kuala Lampur(singurii care au mai ramas inovatori astazi si este foarte bine ca ne mai inspira chiar daca tinerii arhitecti sunte deja bolnavi si traumatizati in gandire, dupa atata evolutie a predecesorilor, sfarsita crunt insa, daramata). Si aceasta sotie de presedinte face o mutare – geste enorma, pentru public, poate mai mare ca a tuturor sotilor lor, la un loc, luand-o de manape “surioara”, ei din Angia, la o manifestatie publica filmata,insa incingand si comunitatea LBGQ de pe internet. Ori cu acest tip de calm multe carti, si in razboaie s-au jucatsi in batranul continent pentru ca Franta si Spania i-au cam suduit pe englezi, din toate timpurile si si-au taiat toate padurile din vestul europei si si-au scufundat corabiale spre norcul divin al Ioanei, doar ca sa prinda ceva luat deja ca al englezilor. Deci englezii asteapta mereu. Nu au initiativa de impus, oricat se chinuie, celalalte puteri in jurul lor avand un numar de populatie mai mare, doar atat. Nu sunt mai prejos, decat numeric ca populatie. Ei doar preiau idei bune si metodic si fac comert cu altii. Fiecare a fost lasat sa faca ceva pepamant de Dumnezeu, bine.Dar nu putem spune ca in Anglia au existat inovatii autentice venite de exemplu in lumea automobilelor, decat stilul de auto ca si micuta Iseta, doar cu o singura portiera in fata sau masinuta din studioul de TV BBC de a intrat in liftul din redactia lui Cklarcson dela BBC, cand nu era nervos pe colegi bineinteles. Acestea sunt inovatiile lor auto, cam ca cele din zona Slovaciei, pe unde tot maramuresenii nostril in istorie au salvat si aceasta zona de un curent fascist intortochiat de inteles istoric si acum, dar cu conotatii in industrie pana acum! Ei pentru insule, doar au rebranduit marca Opel, in Vauxhall dupa cum am mai spus si au facut-o bine. Dar nu o masina inca de la inceput tehnologic. Insa nu poti sa spui ca ARO romanesc nu afost “refacut” (cu sasiu si caroseriediferite total, principiul“Otto”, de motor find deja decoperit cam la toti), dupa nasos-ul de Jeep, ca si inpracticelecabine, dar puterniceleMak-uri americane,cu aripi pe fata, in bine pentru umanitatea de dupa “Hit-ul ARO!”. Cand la Mac pricipiul undelor de soc de la pistoanele din fata de la motorul din botul masinilor a fost trecut apoi sub cabina soferului siacum toate “Land Rover-urile chinezesti“, arata la designla colturi si linii principale, ca si un ARO din Romania de atunci din anii `1970, nu ca Gazul si Jeep-ul cu design inpractic, ca un “nas lung, ca de un caine lup”, dinanii `50. Iar acum, similar, dar din alta industrie povestea,toate motoarele siavioanele zboara dupa Reactia si turbina motorului, romanului Henry Coanda. Fiecare tehnologie in istorie si-a lasat deja amprenta ca o nervura de timp intr-un trunchidecopac sectionat, ori ca varsta la uncal care poate fi aflata, doar daca te uiti in guralui, la viata dintilor.Copitele crescand in continuu nepotcovite. Deci lasati romanilor ce este al romanilor, sicererea de patent AM., acestei tari sail promoveze unde nu degaba cele mai linistie tipuri de turism inovatoare,cu ape clare,le gasiti in romani, oricand de-alungul anului si practic inaceasta tara la cativa km., de casa, toate tipurile deturism din alte tari sinu mai alergatiin toate Europa, si dinaceasta cauza maitoate afacerile actualizate ale vechilor cavaleri ioaniti, ce poate s-au saturat de taxare ca pe vremuri de lapelerinii dincalduroasa zona a Mormantului Sfant crestin, au ajuns sa isimute peste milenii departe muntele in zone racoroase si termale ca ale Romaniei, dar si geostrategic. In Iran si langa Mongolia, suntcam aceleasi clime insa din aceasta cauzariscului mai mare raman zone de vazut doar pe desk-top-ul la Microsoft si MAC despre naturaca inca destiantii de “vis”, pentru toate fetele doritoare de exscursii MULTE toate in aceeasi vara si ieftineca si cu bileteaeriene de la Wizzlow-ul unguresc incluse. Insa de groaza sunt situatii similare daca te gandesti ca la mine se schimba desk-topul subliminual in functie de ce scriu personal cu un bat pe o plaja, chiar personalizat.Insa vedeti cu ce produse finite umpleti frigiderul de magneti si cantiatea lor dragi VIITORI ingineri TINERI pentru care am SCRIS multe, daca vreti sa fiiti destepti in toate, ca sa nu intrati intr-o ceata verde cu povesti politiste plicticoase!Deci nu confundati pe cei autentici, cu ce este in realitatea PREZENTA ca al vostru. Esta ca si cum blogg-ari englezi pe motociclete americane fac expeditii in est-ul romanesc, si primoveza extraordina Romania si in video de 4Ksi vulcani noroiosi termali unici si focurii vii, si apele minerale de curg pe strada,desunt mai ieftin vandute la imbuteliere in Dubai ca aici,nu stiu preturi in UK…,insa baga un fitil incare arata gresit ca semananca traditional jambon crud, ca de o viatape aici, din pulpa uscata de porc, ca in Spania si Franta, sau pe langa Africa unde texetttyyy Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. ![]()
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. 0.1) Examinatorul foloseste ‘’declaratii nereale’’ si denatureaza lucrurile sau simplu confunda cererea brevetului “Dispozitiv de transport in aer” a lui George Marg , prescurtata alternativ cu “AM” (cerere patent 0332439/22US), o confunda cu o catapulta in loc de o pompa de dimensiuni mari, ca cele de PECO- petrol (gas station), sistem care alimenteaza cu succes mai mult de trei avioane, intre ele pana la marginea cerului, a atmosferei dense “(D) –fig.1, AM.”, unde se poate zbura cu avioane clasice si apoi cu rachete. In schimb toate revendicarile, nici macar putin asemanatoare ale lui Michael Co, abreviat aici si cu ‘’CM’’ –patent (02088136/06US), se bazeaza inca de la inceput, pe o fraza si o expresie inselatoare care descrie tot brevetul si incercarea de manipulare, printr-o presupusa catapulta aeriana (sau o prastie arcuita sau ca un bici de dimensiuni mari), totul in mod eronat; si tot neclara fiind si fara predicat adecvat mesajul initial transmis audientei. Adica, actiunile din brevetul CM sunt descries in revendicari intelese in limbile latine si slava sau asiatica, care suna asa: ‘’intr-un asa fel ca o maniera oportuna (pentru necunoscatori) intr-un mod original”, adica in accentele anglo-saxone: “on its original apparence in a timely manner”. Adica o metoda brevetata cunoscuta doar de autor, dar care nu vrea sa o dezvaluie ‘’necunoscatorilor’’adica prin faptul ca ar fi atat de `importanta’ metoda (maniera originala?) deja grandomanica , ca ceilalti oameni din auditoriu, cititorii, nu trebuie sa o cunoasca (deci fara sa faca dezvaluri publice ale intregului brevet – un fel de “first- to- file” patent rule -, propusa din 2003 in U.S. – I.P.sau arcane - rules, ca in jocuri IT descrise de studiile media pentru economistii din Elkis Park, Pa.U.S., dar care nu le vad aceste derivatii de la legi ca si protectioniste economic, aceste maniere si reguli; si nu ca si amendamente, ordonante de guvern nefinalizate legal (in raport cu puterile constitutionale din lume, dar si dupa drepturile omului), adica mintind CM chiar pe cititori (dar fara sa vrea?), prin aceste asa-zise revendicari si exprimari pe care examinarea noastra, nu cred ca le-a citit benefic pentru a se “opune” cererii lui AM. “Narativul” lasa de dorit, astfel scrierea CM persista si cu o pluraritate de intamplari dezvaluite treptatsi insuficient repetate si care nu au insa leagatur decat cu povestea unui SERIAL de fictiune S.F… Fiind prezentate parsiv si pentru piloti creduli?... din zilele noastre, dar si unele elemente de avioane, recente, dar care exagereza prin performantele tehnice, chiar supranaturale, tocmai prin pilotii domnului Cook- CM, care sunt supusi si chiar supuse, la forte gravitationale enorme, unii piloti fiind descrisi express`, ca si de sex feminin, din dorinta lui CM care i-a diferentiat chiar asa in cererea sa de brevet (cu toate ca se stie ca fortele aeriene din intreaga lume detin cercetari incheiate, cu succes, pentru ambele sisteme de furtunuri pentru folosirea eficienta a sistemelor de toaleta pentru pilotii de avioane jet, in lupta, pentru ambele sexe, de cateva decenii. Poate brevetul CM doreste sa mai ocheasca inca o imbunatatire pentru inca un tip de brevet in aceeasi cerere? Ca tot pare ca a ochit prin brevetul sau nord american, cam toata aviatia mondiala, ca intr-un film de prea mare succes…). Toti acesti piloti chiar si cei de sex feminin (insa daca aducea si o explicatie pentru girafe ca si corpuri biologice si descria mecanica acestor animale la presiunea din avioane si a altora echivalente, ar fi fost o mare ochire, de la inceput, pentru CM), fiind supusi la forte “g”, nemaiindurate pana astazi la invartirea unui aparat, macar descris “modern”, pentru zborul prin rezistenta la inaintare terifianta prin aer, pe care putini oameni chiar astazi, o pot compara cu un zid, fizic. Rezistenta aceasta inca se mai confunda pleonastic cu o bariera, sau bariera de sunetsi doar atat... Page | 2 Tot brevetul CM are o actiune la orice ar zbura, daca cineva ar inventa in viitor un aparat de zbor sa nu mai poata zbura intrucat CM-Cook si-ar dori in viitor sa patenteze ceva cu care se va zbura, dar care inca nu a fost descris chiar de brevetul CM! Oare este posibil in patentologie macar? IN REALITATE BREVETUL CM este obtinut dupa ce apare un “conflict” redactat intre el si examinatori, care par ca si cum i-ar promite un brevet dupa o poveste beletristica de domeniul aviatiei, fara solutii tehnice in stadiul tehnicii, de astazi (nu detine un aeroprt cat aproape un continent, cu lacuri de sare conectate , macar pentru alimentarea initiala are o vela “ca din hartie”, agabaritica, pregaurita si micronic, capilar si rezistenta la catapultarea dimensiunii unui sistem cat un munte si cat un desert, nepregatit macar pentru aterizare). In plus conflictul dintre el si examinatori este descris chiar de arhivele digitale particulare, care conteaza publicului astazi ca si: Google Patents. Apoi in anul trecut probabil dupa contestatiile aparitiei brevetului Marge, dispare din arhiva Google, foaia in care brevetul CM-Cook primeste aparent un ordin secret, din partea unei unitati militare aviatice pentru a fi verificat in mod nepublic !? Totul pare o reclam mascata pentru mine, dar si breasla avocatilor si media descrie intamplari similare chiar daca unele numere de inregistrare se regasesc pe o bucat de foaie... Chiar daca in Google Patents nu se mai afla despre finalul anchetei militare, pana si aceasta foaie ramane doar in arhivele USPTO prin WIPO unde contestatarul prezentei reuseste sa printeze o captura de ecran, actul aparent militar. In plus brevetul CM este oferit ca un scandal la adresa examinatorilor, cei care parca i-au promis lui Cook Michael L., caracteristici noi, daca accepta anumite modificari, parand si mai autentic brevetul CM pentru publicul ce-l va citi sau chiar, “incumeta sa-l imite” in vreo economie? In aceeasi perioada se patenteaza si programele aerospatiale a sistemelor cu reintoarcere asistata digital, a stadiului – UNU, din rachete (adica rezervorul –tubul de rachete intai-ul - , de carburant, cu LOX.). Adica rachete brand Space –x, sau detinute de actionatii -Twitter , X, companii mamut, de media sociala. Se mai gaseste chiar corespondenta aparenta de fax, Cook L., fiind plecat de la domiciliu (…nici o schita street view nu se mai vede insa macar blurata, cu locul de atunci), inaintea de obtinerea brevetului, parand chiar indiferent de obtinerea acestuia (in cazul unui interview final al examinarii), chiar prin prima scrisorilor de modificare ale sale, cu USPTO-SUA. (acum intelgem de ce noua ni se spune chiar in lucrarea aceasta ca examinatorii nu mai pot face propuneri de modificare astazi legal...); totul parand clasat pentru un iubitor de beletristica, chiar si in arhiva, biblioteca, cu pdf-uri, EPO de peste Ocean, ce tot cere refresh. Analizand celelalte brevete din clasele cu vechicule – rachete, apare astfel si deducerea ca acelasi echipe de examinatori, colegi de institutii, dau nastere in aceeasi perioada la un mod de aterizare folosit astazi de companiile milionarilor detinatori de astfel de licente, pentru rachete spatiale, unii amintiti. Dar fara legatura cu vreo licenta CM de avioane, care trebuia doar sa para o concurenta cu o publicitatea mare facuta, de conexarea cu un asa-zis-ul,secrecy order, fiind folosit CM doar ca citatie de brevet (ex., in soft-ul Google si probabil in rapoartele de cercetare documentare sau cautarile unor examinatori interesati, nu si in texte si descrieri de la alti autori reali, publicati anii trecuti cum trebuia sa se intample pentru veridicitatea anterioara a lucrarii CM), langa publicatiile brevetelor milionarilor cu, dintr`ale, `aerianului. Clasele de brevete aici oricum,sunt inutile in brevetologia reala unde se poate intampla si imagina orice, cand vrem sa ne opunem cu un First –to File, autentic.. Insa fara a concura real cu un astfel de document continuu contestat in breasla inventatorilor, fiind ca un vid legislativ oriunde in lume un astfel de ordin secret cu sau fara 6 luni, eg.: Lege patente US., Manual, Ch. 0100, a. 120 US, 35 USC 183, pentru brevete, chiar daca sunt valoroase, personal nu cred ca beneficiaza ... Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. ![]()
At CM., the graphic is exaggeratedly small made on a drawing sometimes not even on a quarter of an A4 page whose rotation is not legally recommended (without legal support as in 37CFR 1.173, 37CFR 1.84 (u) (1), 37CFR 1.84 (h) (ii)(5)(i), << 37CFR 1.84 (i) – simply disappearing as the letter from the subsequent article of the law, and (i) and (ii) appearing as a new duplication of sections in the meaning of the expression the legislator, an error that is taken advantage of... Thus, according to 37 CFR 1.84 the letter (h) is lost the logical counter after a Latin alphabet and the letter (i) disappears and it goes directly to the letter (j), and even if it were a practice in legislation is not accepted in the sense of an international logic, such a leap of the legislator. It is even more hilarious that an (i) can be found in the subsidiary of 37 CFR 1.84 (h) (5) – “(i)” but as a subsection after the figure “(5)”, but which shows that the use of (i) can be interpreted in law school; maybe only at “Cornell”? No! It is an error that is also taken advantage of in the case of the CM. Patent, 37 CFR 1.84 (h)(5) “Modified form of construction must be shown in separate views”, does not apply to him. Because the CM., also describes new forms of wheels -landing gear-, modified to include an atomic generator, with parachutes and with different fuel production in honeycombs with helium from the wings, i.e. two mega-planes, systems, in a single launch..., but even a third system, with launched solar parachutes; so all systems drawn on the same page. Legally, it translates as jumping directly to point 37 CFR 1.84 “(i)” which seems subsidiary to point “(h)” and in the case of CM., it seems to respect “one view must be placed upon another”, but it describes forms of construction -systems- different/others, respectively ‘wheels with atomic generator’, together with ‘energy production with honeycombs’, etc., violating point “(h)” although there is no clear “(i)”, it violates both , the order being essential>>; Neither section 37CFR (k) – scale, reduction) was respected at CM. It is then drawn at CM., a wheel that is too big, disproportionate to the other sizes of planes around the page, next to the other drawings, in order to excuse the unreal spaces on the sheets, without marking the ‘break’. In reality, the unreality is hidden -the pieces of airplanes used as an excuse for the “lack of invention”-, the lack of aircraft elements used from the state of the art and the disproportionate strings and pipes described in the drawings (Fig 6, 4 patent-CM). We remind you that next to these wheels will be integrated -incredibly! - and future atomic power plants, exaggerating, again, CM., vs., the engineering reality of our days... Nothing in the state of the art. How can we still talk about a real “prior art” or a “skill person” or at least “First-to File”, as a first publication of a “story”, in such a patent as that of CM.? He does not put one figure on an A4 page for transparency but restricts the essential details in several and where they are not needed, sketches that now the examiner compares the peak, erroneously, with the “idiomatic”, AM patent. Which clearly describes the continuous lines and dotted lines and along with triangles for truncated cones, compared to hoses, connected between planes, for the transport of fuels. And it/he does not see that the CM patent. , describes that the engine of an airplane in general will be fed with the “fog” created (through thermodynamic u Margesc Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. |
AuthorRadu George Moverview.